This is my summary of the Final Day Lecture of CSE6369.
This is my summary of the seminal paper titled as 'Attention Is All You Need'.
This is my summary of the book **The Society of Mind** by **Marvin Minsky**
This is my summary of the cahpter 11 and 12 of the book How To Grow a Robot by Mark H. Lee
This is my summary of the paper Grounded Language Learning in a Simulated 3D World by Karl Moritz Hermann et. al.
This is my summary of the paper titled as 'Deep Neuroethology of a Virtual Rodent'.
This is my summary of the awesome paper titled as 'Intrinsic Motivation Systems for Autonomous Mental Development'.
This is my summary of the awesome paper titled as 'World Models'.
This is my summary of the excellent attempt of Shane Legg and Murcus Hutter to present a formal definition of Machine Intelligence.
Dileep George, Co-founder of Vicarious, gives a keynote at the Human-Level AI Conference in Prague in August 2018. The conference combined three major conferences AGI, BICA, and NeSy and was organized by AI research and development company GoodAI.