Introduction in Unity
Installing Unity-3D in linux-mint
- Step 0: Create and activate an Unity account
- Step 1: Download ‘UnityHub.AppImage’ from here
- Step 2: Open terminal at the download directory and enter the following commands
- chmod a+x UnityHub.AppImage
- ./UnityHub.AppImage
- Step 3: Press accept/yes when prompted
- Step 4: When prompted for license, go for manual activation
- Step 5: Store license generation request file [named as Unity_lic.alf]
- Step 6: Go to the link shown in the same prompt box, upload your license generation request file
- Step 7: License file will be downloaded automatically [named something like Unity_v2017.x.ulf]
- Step 8: Nevigate this license file the activation prompt
- Step 9: Set-up a directory for unity projects
- Step 10: Go the “Installs” tab in the Unity hub and “ADD” the latest version shown there
- Step 11: Select the supports you require, depending on your project and where end result will be deployed and click “next”
- Step 12: That should start downloading the unity files into your machine
Unity-3D should be up and running by this point.